Look and diagnostic
1. Hernia ingunial.Video:--> Enter.
2. cystic inguinal canal.Video:--> Enter.
3. Cryptorchidism(undescended testis )Video:--> Enter.. ( Yêu cầu trên 18 tuổi)
4. Posthitis (pronounced pos-THI-tis) is the inflammation of the foreskin .Video:--> Enter.
5. Goutte.Video:--> Enter.
6. Varicose veine.Video:--> Enter.
7. Von Recklinghausen's disease [Neurofibromatosis type I (NF-1) } Video:--> Enter.
8. abces of urachal cyst . Video:--> Enter.
9. Varicocele.Video:--> Enter.
10. hydrocle Video:--> Enter
11. phimosis.
12. ganglion cyst ( synovial cysts)
we will apdate
Tin nổi bật
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